Heroic Nudist is a blog for news, views, and information on nudism or naturism. This blog separates nudity and sex, and promotes a wholesome view of nudity and naturism. Positive articles are posted, showing progress towards body acceptance. Check out our tumblr blog Natural is Best also.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
GoTopless Pride Parade and other events around the world on Aug 24
LAS VEGAS, August 20 - The women's rights organization GoTopless will hold Go Topless Pride Parades and other events in over 60 cities worldwide for its 7th annual GoTopless Day,August 24, according to a statement released today by GoTopless.
“Equal topless rights for women is a constitutional right,” said Rachel Jessee, New York City’s GoTopless leader. “The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution specifies equal rights for everyone. That includes the right to expose body parts common to both genders, including the chest and nipples."
The states of New York, Texas and North Carolina are a few states that already honor the Constitution but many cities in those states have passed unconstitutional ordinances to prevent women from going sans shirt.
GoTopless’s goal is “to eliminate the current double standard,” Jessee said. “If women can’t go topless, the only way to ensure equality is to make men cover their chests too, as spiritual leader Rael declared when he inspired GoTopless in 2007.”
Jessee pointed out that before 1936, people thought it indecent for men to go bare-chested in public.
“Women's ankles, knees and belly buttons were taboo back then, but today nobody bats an eye,” Jessee said. “Why should showing breasts be different?”
She emphasized that GoTopless members don’t bare their breasts to attract attention.
“Showing female breasts should be a natural part of life, a non-event,” Jessee said. “The right to go topless is immensely empowering for women after centuries of living under macho laws and puritanical Judeo-Christian values.”
Living under such constraints is debilitating to a woman’s self-esteem and body image, Jessee said.
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Saturday, August 9, 2014
The Nude in Fine Art
See many more artistic depictions of nudity, some going back centuries. Enjoy the Pinterest site by well known internet nude advocate Chet Kresiak. Click here to go to the main site.
Curvy model's nude stance on sexualisation
Excerpt from article
Of course the busy backdrop meant the glares and stares from rubbernecking residents at the models uncovered girl curves were totally understandable but when asked if anyone seemed overtly offended by her display of womanhood the model says "not a single one".
The portraits, snapped by New York based photographer JD Forte, depict the size 14 model in various states of undress from topless to fully nude.
The former Melbournian says the project is intended to be a comment on gender inequality which Valdes says is still rampant in New York City even though it is commonly considered the epicentre of modern civilization.
"A man can walk down the street with his chest seen and you wouldn't blink an eye and say to your friends 'Well that’s sacred and he should cover up his chest for his partner'. You don’t say that," she says emphatically.
"Women have been objectified and banned, shamed or made to feel like its taboo to show themselves because we are an item to be sexually desired and nothing more."
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Go Topless Day occurs in Vancouver on August 24
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