Sunday, January 12, 2014

Want to feel better? Take it all off, as experts say sleeping nude has health benefits

The Yuletide season is upon us and though we all enjoy the festive holidays, they can dump a truck load of stress on our already over-wrought shoulders.

But experts say there is one sure-fire way we can feel better and that is to take it all off.

Yes, as in all the way down to our “birthday suits.” A recent study shows that sleeping naked has several health benefits, reports, but surprising statistics also reveal that only a few indulge is this wondrously freeing night ritual.

There I was thinking everyone slept in the nude like moi but alas it looks like Americans are more conservative than they let on for less than 10 percent reportedly slips between the sheets without their PJs or nighties.

But maybe after reading these pros for nudity, the cons will cease to exist.

Besides making you feel luxuriously sexy, which I will put as number one, sleeping naked can reportedly also do the following:

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